- "Where are the others?" asked a medic. “其他人在哪儿?”一名医生问道.
- Where are the others?" asked a medic. “其他人在哪儿?”一名医生问道。
- Leif: Fine. Where are the other guys? 雷弗:还可以。其他人呢?
- SCARLETT: Where are the other servants Mammie? 思嘉:其它佣人去哪了,奶妈?
- You give me three pens. One is here, but where are the others? 你给了我三支钢笔,一支在这儿,但是其余的那几支呢?
- Oh, holy Jesus. Where are the other tarts and vicars? 我的天!其他的妓女和牧师呢?
- Where are the dog's collar and lead? 狗的颈圈和皮带哪去了?
- Every stoic is a stoic; but in christendom, where be the christian? 每一个斯多葛派的人都是“斯多葛”主义者; 但在基督教世界,哪有基督教徒?
- Where are the scissors? I had them just now. 剪刀在哪里?刚才我还用过。
- "Done!" said the American. Instantly, he found himself sanding unhurt near the scene."Where are the others?" asked a medic. “成交”美国人说,立刻他就发现自己安然无恙的回到了事故现场。"其他人呢"救援人员问
- Where are the envelopes and stationery then? 那么信封和文具在哪里?
- Where are the apples? They are in the drawer. 苹果在哪里?它们在抽屉里。
- Where are the corresponding translations? 对应的翻译呢?
- I was tired, and so were the others. 我累了,其他人也一样。
- Where are the files and settings? 文件和设置在哪儿?
- Where are the way for Chinese soybean industry? 中国大豆产业出路在哪里?
- Displays the Where are the files? 显示“文件在哪儿?”
- Q5: Where are the Community Cyber Points located? 问5:社区数码站设置在甚么地方?
- His was the best drawing and it stood out among the others. 他的画是最杰出之作,因此在其他的画中十分醒目。
- Ah, here they are. Now where are the schedules? 噢,在这儿。现在进度表呢?